Tuesday, January 30, 2007
I pay tribute to the gods of Rock and Roll
ok so for the past two day i have been ( in between some classical and downloading the Broadway musical soundtrack to Les Miserables, and some retro switchfoot) i have been taking a journey back in time. hello Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Bob Dylan, Jimmy Hendrix,Chuck Berry, John Denver ( who incidentally is labeled as Rock) and Johny Cash ( Ruckus's selection of mister Cash is horribly limited). I have been paying homage to these great American icons. Granted i feel moderatly hypocritical ( just remembered a song i wanted to find, stairway to heaven, great favorite of a now enlisted friend on mine) as i ridiculed such music. Its not bad. Definetly more technical music wise than our dear modern stuff. makes all my stuff look like , well, music written three year olds. Ah well, still like my modern alternative stuff. Old stuff inst as bad as i thought it was. Well have to go find that song.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Late night weekend
Tired. Need to sleep. Just a little bit sick. Ok so maybe a lot bit sick. Got this really annoying runny nose and sore throat. Great reason to skip chapel tomorrow. Yes!!! Not going to skip working out, going to skip chapel, you make sense mister Merrill. anyway have a bit of gloomy poetry for y'all. Was walking home the girls dorm to study, happy, awake, and this came to me. Interesting thing is that my current mood is diametrically apposed to this poem ( completely oposite for those of you who don't know what it means, and to prove to my brother i actually know what it means). Wells here's my dark bit of poetry:
putting one foot in front of the other,
watching helplessly as the days just run into one another,
crying for meaning,
Well i really hope i have creeped you all out. That would make me very happy. Any way, tired, have to wake up at six. Oh , Annapolis the movies sucks, and Queen of the Dammed might quite possibly be the worst, stupidest vampire movie i have ever seen in my entire life. Well my bottle of Advil is calling my name. Advil might quite possibly be the solution to many of life's problems ( those not solved by coffee, and music off course)
putting one foot in front of the other,
watching helplessly as the days just run into one another,
crying for meaning,
Well i really hope i have creeped you all out. That would make me very happy. Any way, tired, have to wake up at six. Oh , Annapolis the movies sucks, and Queen of the Dammed might quite possibly be the worst, stupidest vampire movie i have ever seen in my entire life. Well my bottle of Advil is calling my name. Advil might quite possibly be the solution to many of life's problems ( those not solved by coffee, and music off course)
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Awake, enjoying life. chilling to some sweat music Sing for the Bartender, sing for the astronaut, Sing! Not mad any more, not to the point that i actually read that the email, but getting there.Might have been mistaken, but i haven't read the email yet, so i'll reserve judgment. The g-friend and i are once again happy with each other. We had our talk, it went well, the two days made everything happy. Today while we were painting the set, everyone was telling thier she left me or i left him cause she was a freak stories. their were a couple i almost got married stories. Got me thinking. So not evan mentally ready for marriage. Almost broke up on that thought. Not sure how i can be dating a girl , with my eye on the future, and i'm scarred spit less of marriage. Seems kinda contradictory if you know what i mean. Well i'll go be puzzled elsewhere.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
What the Hell! i'm not getting married!
OK so i mention that i think this relationship will last a long time and i think it will. What do the parents do? immediately think i'm signing up tomorrow to walk down the isle! I dont know if this thing will last till tomorrow night and i get this long email i may never read cause it makes me realy mad that they assume that i'm jumping of the old bacholler ship headfirst into a unfilled concrete swimming pool! cool your horses! Stop making links between things that don't exist, if i wanted/needed your advice i would go to you and ask for it. Maybe this is the reason me and my parents don't get along. YA THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Baleeted!Gee, ya think i might, just maybe, kinda sorta, perhaps, think long and hard before i get married? Nooooooooo.....That is as far as i'll probably ever get in that email ( no its not deleted, yet, i need some time to cool off first)
Ruckus you beutiful thing you...
Ok time to break the trend. Going to not talk about my melodrama and talk about something that is near and dear to most of my readerships heart, free music! Ok so it might not really be free. You "download", as i understand it temporary files, which presumably ( though i haven't tried) cant be burnt to cd, though might be able to be put on an Mp3 player. Ruckus. I signed up today cause i have some serious down time going down right now, and our horrible school web sight reminded me of its existence. Granted thou must have a valid college email account, but I'm guessing those of you in cahoots with the B-man, are in Cahoots with the Alaskan Assassin, who i'm told ( hypothetically) can obtain off sight back up disk copies of ...stuff from certain state run university's... so it might not be so hard to smooze yourself back into the college thing to get free music. Though i'd bet you guys can already download a torrent of songs ( clever me) without your school shoveling it about copyrights and stuff. Well have to go douse myself in some more music.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
I, Brent have laid down the law, and it was no fun
Ok, so today things came to a head. We had a terrible experience going to walmart, and Macdonald's was not better. I decided it was time to do that " man" thing. I put the forth the proposition that we take a week off ( with the idea that it'd give us some breathing room, and that we start back up next week). She shot that down. I tried to get her to talk. She said she would in the car. We didn't have time so we had our chat in the student center. She talked. My turn came. ON the way over i decided that, if she didn't need/want a couple days of, i did. So i said i was taking two days off. I don't think she's happy about it, but then neither am i. It needed to happen. I think we're both drowning in each other. We're madly in love, but we got some problems,and those problems need to be fixed or at least a process begin to make them go away, but we were to scared to take some time off to give the earth a chance to stop revolving. Its going to be no fun. But it'll be good. Doing the whole Man thing, this is what's good for the relationship thing sucks.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
I, Brent am horribly pissed
Ok so me and the g-friend had a relationship bump. Details? no you don't get them. For those of you saying , ah! it must be sex! well it wasn't( and if you dont find that convincing, well i dont care a whole lot). Anyway, so i spend about an hour or two, holding her trying to get her tell me what she's thinking. I was mildly annoying about it. I frankly did not want her, or myself to go to sleep without at least having talked about it. After much wrangling we finally make it to just outside her dorm. More wrangling. She tells me she'll email me. Pissed off? yes. you do not communicate this sort of thing via email. In the morning there shalt be a reconning. If she ever, ever does this again we're breaking up. I love the girl an awful lot. But i'm not going to communicate this sort of thing via email. We're going to sit down, face to face, like grown up adults and hash stuff out or we're going to remove our need to hash things out. WE'RE in college for crying out loud!!!!!!!! Men and Woman standing on our own damn two feet. You look me in the eye and tell me or your not the girl i thought you were and we're through. I love this chick. In fact, she's is probably going to be in my life for a longish while. But frankly, not if the next time something like this happens, i get an email.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
a shout out to my budy Rage
I, with the powers vested in me by no one, declare today Jan 17, Rage day. Happy Rage day everyone! Why is today Rage day you may ask? well, I'll tell you why. Once upon a time a regrettably short time ago, in the debacle, i now fondly ( in my less lucid moments) call my first girlfriend, i was in need of a black shirt. You see the ex liked men in black. That is men wearing black shirts, I'm not so sure about her opinion of the movie. Consequently i needed a black shirt. Rage being the wonderful person he is ( is here being rare moments of non -self centered ass-dom ) let me borrow a black shirt. Eventually he gave me said shirt ( at least i think he did, cause i still have it). And today i am wearing that relic of Rage-dom, the black shirt. Anyway, i have comics to read.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Ok. So i just spent my morning and some of my afternoon trying to get a program to work. So the teacher of my biblical exegesis class requires us to download this secure exam program ( presumably a way to prevent us from cheating when we take quiz's). I try. Everything goes good till i try to set it up. You dont have a license it tells me. Try again. Same thing. Reinstall. Still doesnt work. All right looks like a problem for IT. So today i trooped into IT figuring they'd wave a magic geek wand of +2 technological know how and it would all go away. WRONG! I spend an hour reading some homework ( for biblical exegesis incidentally), and an article about johny depp. They kindly tell me they cant fix my problem and tell me the name of some guy in the library who supposedly can.Then i scurry off to chapel to hear our revered president ( no sarcasm hear, nope, not at all) speak. Then i eat. After completing my text book collection ( they didnt have one of the ones i needed yesterday) i scurry over to the library. The man fixes my problem in two seconds with his +20 bazillion flash drive of power. Apparently he sent the wrong directions to IT earlier on how to fix my problem. all i've got to say, way to go.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Back from a long Seista
Ok i'm back. At school and my blog. Been some time now since i've posted. Well its good to get back ( as well as sort of weird). Am doing a major load of laundry ( loads actually) as we speak. some serious folding in my future. School hasn't really started yet, its first week of the semester so the teachers are just handing out syllabuses and telling you its important to do the homework, go to class, and show up for tests. Gee...never could have come up with those on my own. Nope, not a chance. Got up at six this morning. A little rough, but not really. It would be seven back home so it it wasn't so bad. Not a single piece of equipment at the gyms was crowded ( yes!) except for the damn treadmills. There's four of them. And the only one open was the old squeaky one. Decided that i could wait until tomorrow to run. Probably will rework my workout so i run Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays. Dont know, well have to go meet the girl.
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