Wednesday, October 31, 2007


So hopefully I have one. It's at the caf so I'm a little worried that when i go over tomorrow to fill out paper work, they'll be like, hey you can't do this unless you qualify for work studies. Well who knows. It'll net me ( minus takes, plus change) something like 45 bucks a week, which adds up to 90 bucks every two weeks, which should see my meager needs through till Christmas, hopefully with some in the bank for presents and doing stuff over the holidays cause i probably wont be working first week home ( g/f's coming with me for the first week). Think it might have helped that I mentioned that I've worked in a Deli, was a mop boy, and can bake. But, not sure. The extent of my actual conversation ( my "skills" were in an email with my schedule) was send me your schedule over email. Gets me out of chapel 3 days a week though. Pysched.

Monday, October 29, 2007

More low down on the major change

So, in a brief minute of lucidity, I was looking over my activities since coming to college. And I came to an interesting conclusion. Since coming here I have been in four plays, spent most of my time acting, in the scene shop, hanging out with the theater crowd, looking for props, in the costume shop, and in short basically orienting my life completely around acting. Kinda made me think that maybe I should change my major to what I'm actually doing. That and I don't have much aptitude in the bible side of things. I love my bible classes, and my teachers are amazing. I learn lots, am challenged constantly, but as one teacher wrote on a paper, my hermeneutic is sufficient ( besides off course, the stereotypical diatribe), my exegesis horrible and my grammar deplorable. Not to mention I have no global focus. I see people around me, and that most people ignore them for all the folks "over there". well I'm tired and the old bunk bed is calling me in sweet, dulcet tones.

The Unfaithfull amongst us

So I've been purveying blogs, specifically about tattoo's, for a play I'm going to submit to a ten minute play contest. Trying to get an idea what the Artist's actually think 'cause my main character is going to be a tattoo artist. But this isn't about my character, or my play, its about blogs. I have for the last thirty minutes swam through a host of blogs. Or rather could have been blogs that never got past a clever name and a hi, there, or maybe a welcome, then there was this clever one about crap. But do they get past the first post? Nope. The other blogs stopped in '05. apparently those among the blogging faithful are few ( ahem, not to pester some of my readers, but some of you don't post anymore, not even once a week). I, however am committed. I will continue to tell an uncaring world about my life. Makes me feel important. Gets me out of doing stuff. I mean, I'm developing my witting skills. Yes, thats what I meant.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Major Change

So very soon i'm going to be a theater major. Its just been a naging thought in the back of my head all semester, something along the lines of, " Brent, you'd actually be motivated if you were a theater major, if you had a theater class to go to next, you'd do better in the boring class your in right now." Not gonna lie, when the teacher said in comm 3 that we got to present our stuff to the class, i was really excited. I get to get up in front of people and talk. I get to act ( basically). That makes me happy. Writing papers about a subject that sounded good six weeks ago and now bores the heck out of me does not. I want to act. I need a stage. So i'm going to get one. I'd love to integrate missions into this somehow, but thats still on the drawing board.

Welcome to the Oc, this is Bob, on station S.N.A.F.U, broadcasting live from the World Mission's Workshop!

So, it made me laugh, as well as annoyed me. All the people in the caf were spiffed up, I'm pretty sure I saw a bow tie on one on a guy serving eggs. Who are they trying to kid? Oops, I mean pull the wool over the eyes off? Oh thats right, all the visiting smoe's from other colleges, they want them to think this is how it is everyday. However, there is also a practical side to this. The real reason their serving the eggs is because they want to control portions, so people don't take to much. Cuts down on cost. Not to mention slowing things down. All this freakin' personal sevice takes time. Example: Say this dude asks you how you are? you have to answer the magic question before you can get your eggs. Then you have to tell him what you want, then he has to serve them. I wouldn't be quite this irritated if I didn't know why we were having all this "exciting" extra service. Is it to much to ask for my damn eggs, no conversation, and let me get them myself like the big college boy that I am? Well, this is Bob, saying happy morning to all of you, broadcasting across the internets on station S.N.A.F.U, live from the World Mission's Workshop! Oh boy!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Global warming

Ok so I just almost read an artical, obviously not written by someone from the area, about global warming being the cause "waining" fall follage. Ok first and foremost, one freakin year means jack. Any vermonter will tell you that some years we have lots of leaves, sometimes we dont, it really depends on the frost and snow. Every so often we have a bad year. It just happens. Nothing earthshattering. It kinda like snow. Most of the time we have snow in the winter, sometimes we dont. One year doesnt mean the earth is about to explode. Not saying global warming doesnt exist, but that one year means nothing. Give me twenty years of statistics and I'll beleave you. well now I feel better. better get back to class.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Hot dogs, hordes of people, and stuff

So i pretty much spent the day putting buns on hotdog trays, putting hotdogs on buns. Ok so i did some setting up and cleaning up to. Yes, and a serious amount of hot dog eatage ( i'm thinking six or seven). So it was a give away to poor people. Funny thing, I'm not sure america actualy has them. Or at least, not in a reall desperate needy sort of way. I'm sure some of them must not have had cellphones, had to be some that didnt (I dont have a cellphone), but I didnt see any of those. Pretty sure some of them were illegal ( ironic that the police was there for security and crowd control). All of them had about four to many kids. Most of them drived. In decent cars no less. I feel like we were blessed, and we blessed, but after seeing Mexico, I've decided that on the whole, Americans are wimps. No offense to the really poor people, and I think Jesus would have been there grilling with us, feeding them, but America doesnt have any citties in which family's live in cardboard boxes and nothing else.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Hurray for no context

Context? Who really needs context? I mean it is really necessary? I mean when we can rip a bible verse out of setting, which makes it say the same thing as the other verse's we ripped out of context, life is just so much easier , isn't it? Sorry, I'm mad at me personal evangelism and a free car wash teacher. Once I reach 350 souls I get a WWJD bracelet. I'm so freakin' excited. Its got +20 conservative knucklehead theology. Yay for me.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

God uses the fools...

I'm curently doing research ( or rather should be instead of bloging) for a paper on some aspect of short term missions ( its funny, as far as I can tell, and no one says this, but the only recorded examples of mission work in the NT are short term misisons, short term misisons here being a couple monthes to a couple years). And I ran across a verse that's implications are interesting. It says somethig about God useing the foolish things as his tools, thats not a direct quote, more like a paraphrase of the idea. This has been very aparent to me the past couple days. You see I'm in a really lame Personal Evangalism class, tought by a " every freakin' word is inspired and fits exactly in my ten step plan" old dude. To me this is foolish. But as far as I can see, his ten steps have saved a lot of people. While I in no way advocate his aproach, its been effective. I think the younger generation ( me) seems to discount the "oldies" 'cause they didnt save people corectly. What matters it that people are going to heaven. If I had the opertunity, I certainly would try to use something other than the Ten steps, something a little less wrong theologicaly, but fact of the matter I have never actualy had the opertunity. This Old Dude has. He's actualy done it. Seems like he gets points for actualy doing it, while I get negatives for sitting on my ass and just talking about how it should be done properly.