Tuesday, December 02, 2008
God, what a conservative!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Oh goodness, the stock market risky???? When did that happen?
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
President Obama's first term ( As I know it to be ;)
First, he was elected by America because he is almost the complete opposite of Bush. He's young, ambitious, smart, willing to try anything, emotional politician. People liked that because he could articulate what people want in a president (not what they need, but want). We want our presidents to be able to promise us they are going to be the knight in shining armor that are going to save us from the big bad ugly corrupt politicians.
Second, He was elected by his party because they found a messiah like character whom they know doesn't have the experience to run a small gas station. They intend for him to be a rubber stamp of whatever they want to do with the nation. Biden's a leash, not an add on of experience, they want to make sure they have someone whispering in Barry Obama's ear telling him what to do.
What’s going to happen-
-Obama, in the next two months and four years is going to get a quick and dirty education on the way government actually works, the reality of foreign policy etc, etc.
- He's going to develop a back bone that his party is going to find troublesome. He will be no rubber stamp. If he delivers on his promise to “change" politics as usuall, he must.
-His party's going to revolt. They elected a yes man and they (hopefully) are going to get a president. Consequently, and no doubt inspired by Mrs. Clinton Inc. , the civil war that ensued right up to primary night will spill over into congress.
-for four years we're going to have a president with approval ratings through the roof with a congress who's approval ratings are going to be in the negatives.
-Next election, should he be re-elected, which he will be unless he does something stupid as all the real players are dead in the water ( Huckabee, Guiliani) , he will have to deal with a republican congress, its traditionally the way this thing works
-Reagan, that great demi-god of conservatism, did his best work with a democrat congress, who’s to say Barry Obama won’t do the same? By then He'll have some hair on his chest, know how to work the machine to get what he wants. Change? Sure, just probably nothing significant in this four years.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Monday, September 01, 2008
Comeing at ya from Mc OS X
Friday, July 25, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Kinky Honeymoons
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Met Mrs. M's mom the other day. Made the mistake of saying she was a hard teacher assuming that that meant to the both us that she was good teacher. Did some hurdle jumping to get out of that one.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Prayers and Cojones
Thursday, July 10, 2008
A revalation
In form an function,
Like Leah, but not
the real article,
And the other two,
I'm not sure,
If either of you,
Have enough brains,
to remember, your own
Nuff said.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Refreshingly Adult
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Brandon's creepy walmart guy, well and alive in Borders in Colorado
Friday, June 20, 2008
Heya sports fans! its official, its hit facebook.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Single, everywere but Facebook and California
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Policy Change
Friday, May 02, 2008
The Chess Board
I have stared into the eyes of your demon,
Seen its face,
Souls twisted,
To its own purposes,
As you twist yours to its,
Only one stands betwixt you,
A black knight,
A knight who smiles into the blackness,
You see, he does not fight fair in these battles,
Never has,
So, for awhile I am here,
What is the difference between help,
And fix it?
Where is the line drawn,
A listening ear,
and a shrink?
I cannot,
Can I?
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Expidition Report
Of a Lion, three weeks starved,
Moral Improved,
Eyes have been opened wider than imagined,
Do you really need all those?
(reference meds)
Wider still,
Your wasting contact solution! ( paraphrase)
Moral was improved.
Monday, April 28, 2008
coded message from the front
My father would fix,
And I will try not to count the days.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
My Dad is Starbucks
Howard Schultz, owner of Starbucks said "we earned customers' trust by speaking to their hearts as well as their heads" (Koehn, Nancy F. Brand New: How Entrepreneurs Earned Consumers' from Wedgwood to Dell Boston. Harvard Business School 2001p 207). In describing Schultz's experience with Italian Barista's that were to become Schultz's business model, Koehn says "…All of them provided an inherently social experience—one that offered people community, comfort, and some sense of extended family." If you walk in my dad's store the first thing that you will notice is probably and employee, half the time it's my dad, saying hi ( because it's "harder to steal from a face than a store" ), then you'll probably notice the signs. My dad collects signs, and decorates his store with him. If it's the Christmas season the store is decorated, to a certain extent much like our home windows and balustrades, with garlands and cheesy window stickers. You'll probably see that neighbor that you only see at the store and stop and chat for awhile ( yes, yes they do).Then off course you'll notice the prices, heck, next to lighting and the floors, that's the first thing I notice when I walk in a grocery store ( admittedly my dad's store is well lit, and we do our best to keep the floors clean, something that most Discount Food stores don't do) , which are low. The service is friendly and all the signs are homemade ( in fact it's the only way to get customers to read them ). We have customers that come to the store not because we're cheaper ( we are) , closer or whatever, but because half the time you'll find my dad out front, doing stuff way below his pay grade, chatting with the customer. My dad does exactly what Starbucks does, just for the opposite reasons. Starbucks offers service, atmosphere and community to justify the expense, while my dad offers service, atmosphere and community ( I'm not sure if this is a grand scheme or an just an after affect of who he is could be both) because he has an inferior product most of the time, a product that requires, to a certain extent, trust to sell. Take that Starbucks (and everybody out there who think theatre major can't talk business).
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Harsh Quote of the Week
Its the same person, but kinda like split personality's. Nothing so psychotic but perhaps a little more subtle. Someone ( I have a pretty good fix on who) "taught" or rather she ( the g/f) was intelligent enough to discover that by acting like a little girl was the only way she could be heard. It's sad, because as Tonto would say ( admittedly I'm putting words in his mouth) " She is much women." But its been brought up, and I have a great faith in her thats its something we can work on. There's some environmental elements, but theres steel in that girl ( as in the industrial material), and its more that she needs to let it come out more often as apposed to it just not being there.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Farm Wisdom
Dr. Uncommon Sense: " One postulates that they (Hick's) admire the Redneck. They seek to emulate the toughness and extreme regionalism eschewed by the Redneck. One theory suggests they are compensating for something, possibly a decided lack of personality. Though a lack of intelligence has also been sighted in numerous cases."
Dedicated to the Lambda girl I and a friend rode with to a service project. I believe there were two GPS units ( one in the dash and another was the kind that mounts on the window). We got lost. However, my friend made the correct guess that road we past ( twice) was the road we were looking for. But locals are more trustworthy than a GPS unit. So we had to stop and ask directions, Twice. Then we got a call from someone who'd made it to the service project. He told us the road my friend ( and the GPS) had suggested was the right one. We finally arrived. Not saying it wasn't interesting, or that I don't have a highly developed enjoyment of driving random places ( I blame this on my father, and random Saturday morning road trips). As well as the fact that the two of them ( Lambda girl and my friend) have wildly divergent idea's as to what constitutes good music and so the dial of the radio changed almost as often as it does when me and my sister drive somewhere together. Not to mention the Lambda girl was a wealth of information of clubs and local bars ( irony makes me happy). But having experienced the real redneck on occasion, and for a portion of my childhood driven to school with the "real" item, I can categorically say She was not "it". A funny story: Her outrage at the suggestion my friend hadn't gone to church last Sunday ( misplaced because he had) far outmatched her outrage at random males who asked her to dance, and then tried to grind ( which ,to her credit, she enforced her personal no fly zone). She was fun, and an interesting study in Midwestern psychology, but not the real thing. She was pretty, and not a bimbo. But since she felt males were attracted to the redneck "bimbo girl" thing, she played the part. quote from Fool's Gold ( good movie, watch it):
"Stall for time."
"I need you to act like a bimbo."
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
The Great Debate
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Quest for Black and White
Over simplification. The idea that things are one way, or the other, with no middle ground. That questions must be answered, not asked. This is the Quest for Black and White. It seems human beings like simple answers, we want things to be one or the other. In fact, it’s almost necessary for human life to continue. Red on the stoplight must mean stop, or horrendous car accidents will occur. Green must mean go, in order that we all don’t sit at intersections for the rest of our lives. However, some questions are not so simple. For instance, is stealing wrong? Well, generally, yes. What about if you can save someone’s life by stealing? Say you have kids, and there starving? Is the reason your kids are starving because your lazy, and stealing is easier than working, or did you get laid off, because someone else is willing to do your job cheaper, or a machine can do your job, better, faster, and cheaper?
This idea of oversimplification carries over into all steps and walks of life. When I was a kid, my mom used the threat of “washing my mouth out with soap” if I said a word I wasn’t supposed to. Does this mean even if I hit my hand with a hammer? What about if I broke my leg? A Chapel speaker recently talked about the danger of words. Certainly there are dangers in words, you can hurt a key relationship irreparably with them. They can even, and do start wars.
However, with this talk of the “Power of Words”, why is there never a discussion of the danger of the absence of words? Couldn’t absence be just as horrible? Lack of accurate criticism can leave a person unprepared for life, or more practically ,the final draft of a paper. Couldn’t a lack of healthy self deprecation lead people, organizations, country’s to take themselves too seriously?
By way of illustration, A friend of mine is thinking about going to a country in Africa with Wishing Well this summer. “To dig wells?” I asked him, “No to film a documentary” was my friends reply. Ok. My thought was, does anyone really (at least at Oc) not know about the need for clean water in Africa? You actually would have to go out of your way not to see at least a part of Wishing Well and various related organizations presentations, literature, and t-shirts ( especially these). So, does anyone really need to be educated? Isn’t the need for clean water? For thirsty kids, parents, aunts, uncles, third, fourth and fifth cousins?
But, is that not an oversimplification? Isn’t it possible that this documentary might reach someone who’ll decide to go and help, as opposed to the “old” documentary? Or couldn’t a rich donor be particularly moved by the new documentary to donate large sums of money? Couldn’t this documentary bring more clean water to thirsty children than one team that only dug wells?
Do we hear this questions being asked? Does the man behind the pulpit say that criticism is healthy, that jokes about oneself keep our view of ourselves from becoming skewed? Is there a public forum for debate ( not over whether or not a certain group, does this or that in Africa) but the ”helpfulness” of said action? Does even asking such questions help, and not impede people being helped?
Sometimes questions are just meant to be asked, because, there is no answer. Or the answer is complicated. Such as, couldn’t criticism help a person do a better job or destroy the persons will to do the job. And is a badly done job, better than a job not done at all? Is a thirsty child being given a bottle of water, better than no children being given any water, at all?
Keeping questions in mind, letting them influence both how we deal with other questions, and our specific actions related to a specific question must therefore be the goal. Perhaps we can achieve this, perhaps we cant. Maybe if we stay with black and white, life will be easier, there will be more doing less thinking. But, is it any good to do, without thinking?