Thursday, September 14, 2006

Theh first spiritual musings post

First. It seems, and this may because our church back home has had elders for not so long, but everyone out here seems to think of the whole elder/deacon thing is some sort of pollitical process. People run for it and all that. What the hey? I've always thought of the process as something were qualified individuals are called to, not so much as some sort of power hungery smoe tries to see how high he can climb on the old ladder of church leadership. 2. I thought this was pretty cool. I dont think satan knew who Jesus was before he was baptised. Aperantly ( acording to our life of christ teacher) the whole dove incident was a vision ( something along the lines of apocalyptic laungage of the heavans opening up). God wasnt so much as talking to the crowd as the heavens. I think he was saying, look there's my kid. I think that the old horns and pitchfork chap was all about finding out if God was tricking or lieing to him (lol) with the whole temptation thing. Trying all at the same time to trick Jesus into sin, and into revealing himself as the son of God so Satan would know that it was him. Our bible teacher also said he ( satan) was trying to trick Jesus into doubting his vision. Which i also thought was cool. Well i have another much more shallow post to post so see ya.

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