Friday, April 09, 2010

Ah yes. I see your point. And it makes sense to. NOT.

Bob you CANNOT approach the Bible thinking..."God prove me wrong." God doesn't have to prove anything to you believe by faith that the Bible is true? the bottom line is God doesn't need you!! choose what you want to believe by faith. thats the only thing anyone can really argue on and faith for everyone is differe...

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Yesterday at 9:16am · ·
Brent Russell Merrill
Brent Russell Merrill
I guess you and Jacob ( the one that wrestled with God) and Abraham ( the one that bargained with God) and Moses ( the one that changed Gods mind) have slightly different opinions on the subject. Then there is that guy that asks Jesus to help his unbelief. A quick perusal of Romans would seem to indicate that on some level God pursues an Humanity that is unwilling and not capable of faith. Or, for instance, God does not have to love me. But he does. It seems God is in the habit of doing things he doesn't have to do. You can't force God to do anything, but if we can trust that the Psalms are actually from God, David seems to question God rather persistently and yet he was a man after Gods own heart. All thats to say is that you can approach the Bible however the heck you'd like, the power is not in your perspective but in the fact that this is Gods word, and the Holy Spirit has the bad habit of working through the text, with or without your consent. Man does not constrain God, nor dictate to him what he can and can not do. Thats just silly. Mankinds one true moment of exercising Free will forever tainted the gift almost to the point of our not being able to use it. Martin Luther had a nifty way of summing it up in that we are all "saddled asses". We might have a little say in whose saddle we wear, but in the end, we're still saddled. Humility I think, in the ends proves more key than faith ( Micah 6:8). I can have all the faith in the world, but if I'm to proud to listen when God speaks my faith is of little value ( God even has a solution for this, its called the "Road to Damascus" ). My only proviso on 'daring' or asking God to do something is he might just do it, and chances are it might just be terribly uncomfortable. But that is more from personal experience than anything I can point to in the text.
Yesterday at 10:40am ·
Were Bob becomes a heretic- brent...the point is...god doesn't need us to accomplish his purposes. he is huge and we are nothing. he could use anyone he wanted to...people get too stuck on thinking that they are the only way God could accomplish what he wants to accomplish through them. thats not true...God's will is going to prevail. a quick perusal of Revelation will tell you that God wins and my name and your name and the names of anyone else alive today arent in not looking for a debate. i read my bible this morning and thats what i got out of only point was that you and i are not god's gift to humanity. Life is god's gift to us. we need to use it to say thank you to Him and we need to give it back to Him to use however He wants. you see what im saying?
Yesterday at 11:40am
Not Bob
i agree with Brent, actually... why is it such a bad thing to ask God to "prove himself," "show himself," etc??? those men of faith DID wrestle with God--and don't we all, at least mentally???
Yesterday at 2:08pm
Bob Again
the point is God doesn't need us...i think i said that at least a few times. think about the point of what i said...not the one thing you can try to find to argue against. serve God and have a relationship with him...make it real in your own life then what I say doesn't matter. and trying to become so smart by questioning everything and questioning Him until we fit Him into our box is going to end up in disappointment. seek to know Him by learning about Him not questioning Him.
Yesterday at 5:30pm

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