Saturday, September 23, 2006

The poster is......gone

Not there anymore, i'd dance and sing but the level of boredom and tireddom is to opressive. I woke up at 7:20, went to the gym at 8, ate breakfast at 9, got to practice early, the building was locked, walked around building, went back to my dorm to make sure practice was were i thought it was, got back at 9:30, got in sat around a bit. Did some warm ups. Sat. Its now 11:27, my scene is almost here. I'm stuck here till one. But then i get to go to the fair. That should be fun, going to brush up on the rather quick work out i had this morning ( just running and medicine ball) then probably some seirous homework, Well i'm suposed to paying attention. I Brent am professional sitter.


Anonymous said...

I don't get it. Were you offended by the poster? Or did you just think it wasn't appropriate for the setting?

Brent said...

Ok, long story. I didnt especialy have anything against the poster, being a person who finds crude handgestures humorous, as if somehow your going to offend me personaly by pointing your fingers at me in a certain way, i do however have a problem with girls seeing the poster. A couple of girls actualy did see it ( they were talking to my other room mate through the window, the blinds were up). If i could have gotten in down just for open house i might have, but i figured what the heck, i wasnt all that attached to the poster and why not make it go away?