Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The full, and complete ( mostly) thoughts ( warning i used spell check so i might have changed the wrong words, my spelling is that atrocious)

Ok, first and foremost, lets start at the very begaining. That would be girls. I like them. when i am not being a jerk, or tired, they seem to like me. I have a deep respect for girls. My job as a gentleman ( wether you like it or not) is to protect and respect and make girls feel special. Why? because their girls, may not make much sense and if its old fashioned, well dont care. I dont always acomplish it but i'm flawed, and i like to think i do a decent job of it. Moving on. Call it what you will, but every one out there has a list of what they want in theperson in there life. It can be subconscious, like people being attracted to blondes ( blondes....Cant get enough of 'em, problem is i've had pretty bad luck with blondes, that and for some reason its hard to find nice ones, go figure) . Or it can be an list people activism use, such as Brent will not date a non-christian. Have nothing against y'all, but I have some rather strongly held beliefs,I want the girl who eventually sings on for forever to share those with me. Sometimes we relise these things, sometimes we refuse to believe they exist. Me, I like to think i'm somewhere in between. I'm atracted to shy girls. But frankly I dont want one, at least not shy all the time ( by want one that would mean, I would probably not actively seek out a deep relationship with one, cold? Yes, my perogitive thank you very much). I want her to have some spunk, to be brave enough to get mad at me if i'm not treating her right or hack her off. One that demands I treat her like a lady. I mean to treat every girl that I meet like a lady, but I want someone who expects me to. High standards always bring the best out in us. I also want her to be intelligent. Pardon me folks, but ditz's make me laugh. even more so are those girls that try to pretend their dumb ( low self esteem and all that). I dont mind you not being Einstein, but no Paris Hiltons please. I also want her to be atractive. Is this really so much of a shock? I am frankly not an expert on girls, but i'm guessing they want a moderatly atractive male as well. Its nothing to be ashamed of, its just the way things are. What are my standards of atractiveness? Well first of, there are a few people that even though they may be called whatdoyoucallit plain ( rage, no coments from the peanut gallery) have such a personality that make them very atractive. Very few, but they are out there. On the other hand most really hot people have really sucky personalities. I want someone inbetween, uber nice, and cute. My standards not yours, laugh if you must.
OK time for some prediction revision. Methinks Brent will be alone this week. Thats Ok. Have some personality issues to work out ( that and some wonderfull emotional monsters to kill) before Brent is ready for that sort of thing. Would I be up for a low pressure excursion? Sure, why not. I enjoy feminine company in just about any situation, your guy's opinions generaly come from a different view point, and if nothing more make me think ( nice way of saying sometimes girls see stuff I dont and cause me to change my mind on stuff). Any sort of activity with someone non-related ( or quasi related for my buds in lambda, thats is would be fun, but if we actualy liked eachother would be kind of ackwerd) male or female would be fun. Right now I have a distinct need to chase something wrapped in leather and filled with air, but football sign ups were weeks ago. Wahhh!!! well my batteries almost dead so must preview and post before it dies. Oh one last thing. If I know you, and you want to use your real name or a nick i'll reconise dont worry about me being offended. I wont be. Its the internet, first of all cant say I take it that seriously, second if you want to say something, by all means say it to my face. Builds character and all that.

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