Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Today is a solid Evanescenc day

Yes, the wonderfully erie sounds are ringing in my ears as we speak. Its raining, which is cool, becuase yesterday it was just sort of a miserable drizzle. Oh, must tell you all about my ego trip. The girl who played mary, finaly responded to my email that said she did realy good and realy should tryout sometime. I was compared to Johnny Depp by her father. You cant evan begain to imagine what that did for my ego. Johnny Depp is ( from the whole Two and a half movies of his i've seen) my favorite actors. No, no it is much more better! It is a picture of a key! Why is the rum always gone? Anyway, hopefully she'll get of her arse ( when typing in a british acent this is comical not crude) and go to tryouts tonight.

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