Thursday, October 05, 2006

Wellcome to the first performance

Its first performance. Nervous? who me? Yes, very. I love this sort of nervousness, its like a high. I could run around the world ( twice) and not break out in a sweat. Ok so i'm here way early, but i shall survive ( they are curently playing weird Al music , am very tempted to play some good stuff realy loudly, but shall relise) . Every one is in a daze, i brent was up at 6:39 and worked out for an hour, and i'm like you guys are complaining about being up at 8:30, have a urge to punch some wussy actor types, but will resist the urge. Well must leave you before the realy weird people back here nottice this post, excuse the mispellings.


Anonymous said...

Nervous tension-it is good stuff. I get that feeling whenever I take a test; it provides a very nice edge.

Brent said...

tests? kinda weird my friend

Brent said...

Were are you?