Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Swilling my sould in caffiene...

Ok first some kudos are in order. To whomever left my first angery coment, thank you. I enjoy the whole interaction thing going down, and if your angery at me, all the more so. Hope you wont stay mad, but your choice bro.
Ok time for a little daydreaming. I have been dreaming of snow. This of course no doubt comes from not being home to be able to see the fact that there is no snow, but ah well facts had never prevented me from daydreaming so foreweard the ranks. ( oh sorry almost forgot, i'm in the coffee shop, drinking their "high octane" brew) Three years from now, i hopefully will be in the final stages off...planing my trip to the slopes. Hopefully someweres in colorado. three years is thakfully distant enough that i can procrastinate for a couple years without any harm. It also alows me to gather the chums ( Matt, sis, brandon, jeremy, asorted friends), euipment ( helo ski swaps, i think i'd feel moderatly weird buying a snowboard at a ski swap but whatever), finding acomidations, a week maybe, a rustic cabin ( short for cheap, with big fireplace) , then off course the slopes, someweres famous in colorado. Great huh? yes i thought so as well. What are my far more devious short term plans? Well i happen to know ( not a whole lot, but i know the name) a person from said state. Right now i'm decideing as to wether or not i'm shallow enough to get to know someone for the express purpose of snow. Damm moral convicitions. right now off course its just a product of my overly imaginative mind on caffiene. Snow.... i'm afraid my friends ( and aquaitences) i may have to go elsewere before my moral convicitons totaly disapear. Oh! for you angery poster if your still out there and dont hate me forever, i may publish a more complete article on our dearest WPA week. If its a bit cold and logical, well sometimes my mind works that way, wich is funny becuase sometimes i can be the uber logic meister, and other times my logic makes people barf. Well must else.

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