Ok, so i'm stepping on dangerous ground right now, so i'll make use of a disclaimer. These are merely the musing's of the muse, and are purly theoretical, very shall we say, theoretical. they are part hope part vague idea of the curent feminine landscape. I will at the end publish a post that tells y'all what realy happened.
Ok, first the perfect girl. This perfect girl is very close to the perfect relationship. So i'll tell you about both but first the girl. first, must be inteligent. This is key.Luckily all the possibles seem to have a decent amount of inteligence. Second must be atractive, again a check mark for the triumvate ( what i call the three possible, though there's a forth maybe) . Third got lots of spunk, spirit, whatever. Not sure on one ( i know this one less than the guru) but she did spring sing so check mark. OK onto the perfect relationship. I'd like to think of it as a step above freinds but below dating. I want a relationship, but i dont particularly have the bling or the time, or the will to go with anything very comitted. I want someone i can walk with on pretty nights, and go to movies with, and talk with, but i'd like it to be very low key. I dont want to have to spend every meal with said person nor every free moment. NOT that i wouldnt want to, just dont want to have to. Privileges? Well, maybe holding hands, but nothing beyond that. My gentlemanly sense of honor gets in the way, but besides that, if i'm going to be mildly non-comital, i dont think it would be proper to go beyond holding hands, if that.
Ok, onto my predictions. My roster includes three possibles and one maybe. maybe being a step below possible. Truth be told, there's a couple among the possible's that could be switch into the maybe catagory. Warning! this list is a vey upbeat look at my prospects, so be warned, the only exciting event of this week may be my trying out for the Christmas Carol. There is always the possibility of someone i dont know at all poping into the equation becuase of the play, but dont know. Well thats all its going to be a good week.
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Here's hoping!
I enjoy reading your blog!
Thank you, i enjoy writing my blog, whoever you are. Not sure what you mean by here's hoping, but i'll take it as good luck, i'm going to need a lot of it.
Well your blog makes me mad. You, man, might as well just mail-order a girl friend. You talk like they are things to have! Girls deserve more respect than that my brother
Ok, dont know whe you are ( ok so at least use some sort of nicknames so i can difrentiate between you anonymous posters). Sorry if i made you mad, first and foremost, when reading the old blog, here are a few points to always remember 1. I do not always publish complete thoughts. 2. I am not always completely serious. 3. I have the deepest respect for the feminie creature. Its why right now, i have a hang up on dating. I cant offer anything more than realy realy scarred of any comitment. 4. I have a lot of great ideas, these ideas are generaly theories, they rarely survive engagement ( that is when aplied to real life they dont always work). well thats all
Hey anonymous, if that is your real name, you are a tool. And just for the record, if girls are more than just a "possession" as you so naively propose, why did I have to trade a flock of sheep to get my wife?
Sheep? thats all i need? you know it would have been a lot easier if i known that a long time ago. How many sheep?
The number of sheep is directly proportional to the level of hotness
Like you can get an uggo for 10 sheep but who wants that? All the good stuff is up in the 3 flock + 12 camels range.
Ok, so how bigs a flock? the dictionary only says large group. That could get expesive ( unless your a sheep ruslter). Why cant i mount a raid on said girls family ( from atop my speedy camels) and just carry her away in proper fashion? I mean seems more romantic than hey i traded three flocks and 12 camels for you, guessing she'd love that...
You can do that... however you risk starting some sort of feud with her family... she'll be more happy with the trading than, "sorry hun, I just killed your family".
I was thinking more of the just swopping in and snatching then running realy fast away, not so much the kill them all then take the girl, but then it could be a convenient way of getting rid of anoying mother in law ( My sword slipped realy honey). It worked for the Romans.
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