Wednesday, September 03, 2008


ok, so I'm sure everybody's at least heard about Palin, Mcains running mate and the whole media "scandel" that surounds her. Personaly I think their all just pissed. This is a Carl Rovian move if there ever was one. Take the enemies idea's and make them your own. The democrats have traditionaly been much more vocal about women's rights and impowerment then just about anybody else ( as aposed to Republicans generaly cave manish attitude). So what does McCain do? He picks a women. An aparently acomplished, profesional, very republican women for his running mate. Inexperienced sure, but at least its inexperience with a belief statement. Obama's just inexperience with a dream. I will take someone who tells me what their going to do over nice sounding rhetoric any day.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Comeing at ya from Mc OS X

So I just got my new macbook. Can't say I'm horribly impressed with Mac Os yet. I've only really used safari and I had that on my old computer. But it does feel cleaner. Whether that's because I have yet to get crumbs and grease on it or because it lacks the Microsoft logo I'm not sure. I do miss the fact that I understand how to use windows ( it has Vista Enterprise) . Stardate 8979789