Friday, November 21, 2008

Oh goodness, the stock market risky???? When did that happen?

What the heck, my friends, what the heck. People seem to think of the stock market like a bank account with really great interest.  Its risky, some of its less risky than others, but it's still risky. I have a friend who made the incredible sum of 248 dollars today, and he's complaining he's going to lose it tommorow, ouch. All that money. Gonna set him back a ways. Its like everyones expecting someone to guarantee the money they risked carry absolutely no risk. Its like little kids playing a board game, no ones alowed to win because that wouldn't be fair. 

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

President Obama's first term ( As I know it to be ;)

First, he was elected by America because he is almost the complete opposite of Bush. He's young, ambitious, smart, willing to try anything, emotional politician. People liked that because he could articulate what people want in a president (not what they need, but want). We want our presidents to be able to promise us they are going to be the knight in shining armor that are going to save us from the big bad ugly corrupt politicians. 

Second, He was elected by his party because they found a messiah like character whom they know doesn't have the experience to run a small gas station. They intend for him to be a rubber stamp of whatever they want to do with the nation. Biden's a leash, not an add on of experience, they want to make sure they have someone whispering in Barry Obama's ear telling him what to do. 

What’s going to happen-

-Obama, in the next two months and four years is going to get a quick and dirty education on the way government actually works, the reality of foreign policy etc, etc. 

- He's going to develop a back bone that his party is going to find troublesome. He will be no rubber stamp. If he delivers on his promise to “change" politics as usuall, he must.

-His party's going to revolt. They elected a yes man and they (hopefully) are going to get a president. Consequently, and no doubt inspired by Mrs. Clinton Inc. , the civil war that ensued right up to primary night will spill over into congress. 

-for four years we're going to have a president with approval ratings through the roof with a congress who's approval ratings are going to be in the negatives. 

-Next election, should he be re-elected, which he will be unless he does something stupid as all the real players are dead in the water ( Huckabee, Guiliani) , he will have to deal with a republican congress, its traditionally the way this thing works

-Reagan, that great demi-god of conservatism, did his best work with a democrat congress, who’s to say Barry Obama won’t do the same? By then He'll have some hair on his chest, know how to work the machine to get what he wants. Change? Sure, just probably nothing significant in this four years.