Sunday, May 11, 2008

Policy Change

So normally I make it a point to disagree with everyone, but today I will say I'm agreeing with my brother. We had some discussion over sermons and such that I mostly don't remember, but one thing I remember agreeing to , maybe, is that a sermon should be, well, a sermon. For instance, say you decide to preach on worship ( which by the way is the worst topic to preach on, specifically when you define worship as the song service/church service, as for the most part the new testament says jack about that, so your just reading a book about stuff I already knew and I'm bored, how do people respond to the fact that the 1800's was one of the first times people started worrying about church attendance????), you've got to be really clever to actually preach something that isn't on the level, of oh say, an bad adult class. Yes a boring, pointless, meandering look into were we got our traditions of order of worship. I am currently not dreading going to church. Nope not at all. You can obviously sense my excitement.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

You should listen to Timothy Keller speak about the ministry implications of the gospel from 1 peter 1 and 2. I think dad has it on his ipod.

A sermon needs to be a sermon and it needs to be always bring the gospel to the forefront. Old Testament, New Testament - it all comes back to Jesus.

Now that I've been all preacherly I'm off to drink beer and cuss.