Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Well, singleness is setting in

I just broke up. Last night. Over the internet. Why the heck does it always happen over the internet? Can i not date a girl that can communicate in way than the internet? I mean,i changed face book, sent her an email and she emails me the reason's why she's mad at me. Well you know what? i tolled her specifically if she didn't say it to my face i wasn't especially interested in reading it in an email. I didn't delete it, but neither did i read it all. I'm getting tired of her getting mad,not talking, then that night she'll come up and hug me, and kiss me and never tell me why she was mad. I cant take this anymore! i told her we'll talk sometime, but not anytime soon. Kinda diggin' on the whole being single again. This ones for Jer. God, its been a lovely day...( great song)

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