Monday, October 29, 2007

The Unfaithfull amongst us

So I've been purveying blogs, specifically about tattoo's, for a play I'm going to submit to a ten minute play contest. Trying to get an idea what the Artist's actually think 'cause my main character is going to be a tattoo artist. But this isn't about my character, or my play, its about blogs. I have for the last thirty minutes swam through a host of blogs. Or rather could have been blogs that never got past a clever name and a hi, there, or maybe a welcome, then there was this clever one about crap. But do they get past the first post? Nope. The other blogs stopped in '05. apparently those among the blogging faithful are few ( ahem, not to pester some of my readers, but some of you don't post anymore, not even once a week). I, however am committed. I will continue to tell an uncaring world about my life. Makes me feel important. Gets me out of doing stuff. I mean, I'm developing my witting skills. Yes, thats what I meant.

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