Saturday, August 22, 2009

Facebook argument

Older Pompous person- This is a very thoughtful and moving reflection. Although, I would modify one thing. In my opinion, God didn't "kill a part of himself" for us. God allowed us to "kill a part of himself" as a demonstration both of our depravity and God's love. Jesus' death wasn't a suicide, it was a sacrifice. God didn't demand Jesus' death, we did. Jesus' wasn't the victim of a bloodthirsty, but benevolent God that demanded a sacrifice for sin. He was the victim of an ungrateful and bloodthirsty creation. We were the agents of destruction and madness. Jesus was the agent of reconciliation. I believe that distinction is extremely important, especially as we proclaim this story to others.
( note title of the post was _ And on the eigth day God...)
Younger Pompous Person ( me)- God made the marines. Wait thats a t-shirt, not the bible. However, I am pretty sure that " God GAVE His only son", and that humanity did not demand a sacrifice of a perfect person for humanity's sin. Also I've notticed while reading the old testament that blood seems to be really important, also Romans seems to indicate blood was pretty important to God. I'm a believer in ( kinda) in free will, but I belive the tent ( if I may get all analogous ) of salvation stands on the tension between free will and Gods grace ( i.e. God counting us righteous just because). It was God's plan and could not have occured had he not spent a good deal ( all) of history planning Jesus's death. Man was mostly a bystander
@Araon- I like the marriage metaphor just a hair better,but your analogy is wonderful for your audiance ( Youth ministry major and all that). I have come to think that it is Gods love that drives us, not our love of God ( splitting hairs I know, pistis of Christos)

OPP- So, you've taken a theology course. Take more.

After I read some Piper-
YPP (ME)-ll
Romans 3:19-26

I think I'm going to post that next.

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