Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How you know they are touch with their feminine side

Sorry, I know some people in the closet. And they amuse me.

1. Scarves- Not because it is cold, but with t-shirts.

2. Uses beautiful not to describe say art work or girls, but people.

4. Weird high pitched Voice often coupled with a slight speech impediment. Don't ask me why, I don't know why. Somehow you know they are batting for the home team if they have a thirteen year old girl voice they use all the time. I used to think this was funny in highschool. Now I don't. One wonders if its an after affect of Kalvin Klean undergarments.

5. They have the mannerisms of a five year old. This could be just a pet peeve, but a lot of the guys...I mean people I know who suffer from....gender confusion also suffer from an inability to grow up. I'd love to see a psychological study on just why this is so.

Don't get me wrong, I'm in a artistic community. Artistic people are strange. But they also suffer from this idea that they are good enough actors that the rest of us don't see right through them. And they think its normal. I'd be much more permissive of the 'gay movement' if people didn't have to become the same sort of person. They seem to give up personality in this queer quest for uniqueness. In the very breaching of societal rules they become all exactly the same. They defy stereotypes by becoming a stereotype. I chose the word suffer specifically because if they all dropped this gay ( yes I'm using this in a derisive sense) insecurity and let themselves be who they are, as apposed to who they think they should be to be non-gender conscious accepting individuals, they wouldn't be these odd neutered 'its' they force themselves to become. Whats sad is I think they'd be happier to.

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