Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The REMF's are coming to Oc: or why i hate Mike Shiley

Inside Iraq, the untold story. Perhaps, just maybe perhaps, it should have stayed that way. Who is Mike Shiley, you ask? google him and you'll get his official stuff. He came to my college and showed his movie. Brave man i must admit, coming to a conservative campus with something like that. Other than that my praise ends. The man had the audacity to think that because he spent an hour getting "certified" to shoot a machine gun and went on two patrols with an armored unit that he could walk in the boots of a soldier. I will not type the words appropriate for such a rear echelon whiner. He's a civilian and its obvious from his movie that he doesn't even began to comprehend the military mind. Ideas like if the guy under the truck that was smuggling weapons just watched his buddies get waxed and is trying to get away, might just be trying to get away and not want to be killed, not surrender. That if we hit him and he's wounded, it may be better to finish the guy off ( that was smuggling weapons to kill Americans and innocent Iraqi civilians) rather than send a patrol out to get him that might be ambushed. What a REMF! as Marchinko would say, Doom On You Mike Shiley.

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