Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I pay tribute to the gods of Rock and Roll

ok so for the past two day i have been ( in between some classical and downloading the Broadway musical soundtrack to Les Miserables, and some retro switchfoot) i have been taking a journey back in time. hello Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Bob Dylan, Jimmy Hendrix,Chuck Berry, John Denver ( who incidentally is labeled as Rock) and Johny Cash ( Ruckus's selection of mister Cash is horribly limited). I have been paying homage to these great American icons. Granted i feel moderatly hypocritical ( just remembered a song i wanted to find, stairway to heaven, great favorite of a now enlisted friend on mine) as i ridiculed such music. Its not bad. Definetly more technical music wise than our dear modern stuff. makes all my stuff look like , well, music written three year olds. Ah well, still like my modern alternative stuff. Old stuff inst as bad as i thought it was. Well have to go find that song.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Next stop: The Ramones and The Clash