Wednesday, January 17, 2007

a shout out to my budy Rage

I, with the powers vested in me by no one, declare today Jan 17, Rage day. Happy Rage day everyone! Why is today Rage day you may ask? well, I'll tell you why. Once upon a time a regrettably short time ago, in the debacle, i now fondly ( in my less lucid moments) call my first girlfriend, i was in need of a black shirt. You see the ex liked men in black. That is men wearing black shirts, I'm not so sure about her opinion of the movie. Consequently i needed a black shirt. Rage being the wonderful person he is ( is here being rare moments of non -self centered ass-dom ) let me borrow a black shirt. Eventually he gave me said shirt ( at least i think he did, cause i still have it). And today i am wearing that relic of Rage-dom, the black shirt. Anyway, i have comics to read.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a glowing "tribute". Thanks man, that really makes me feel warm. Too bad you couldn't have taken the time to actually write a couple of nice words about me. Jerk!

Brent said...

whatever, maybe i should have said self described as a self centered ass, would i make you feel better?