Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Drowning my pain, boredom, whatever in Dr. Pepper...

Healthy? No, goodness no. And since soda realy screws with my endurance, tommorows run ought to suck, but ya know, dont especialy care right now. Got some great music on, am sipping the forbiden juice of the soda machine, trying like heck not to be depressed, and you know what? Its working in a mildly sucky sort of way. Which for the record is ten times better than not working at all. Tommorow morning im going to be kicking myself in my rather fit arse for this, but tommorows tommorow ladys and gentlemen.
Ok so opertunity nocks but once. So i see a person ( wouldnt you all love to know what her names is wouldnt you? hehehehe a master never reveals all his secrets) walking towards her dorm at the same time i am rapidadly aproaching my turn in the sidewalk towards my dorm, i could have cought up with, chewed the cud with, and at least added her to my very small list of people i know and talk to ( this is slightly smaller than the list of people i know) . I would have enjoyed it, maybe made some strikes against my state of jerkdom. What do i do, i smile at myself and keep walking, perhaps a bit slower so said person doesnt nottice me. Brent , your incorrigible ( dictionary.com is a great resource if any of my big words stump y'all)

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