Friday, October 13, 2006

My alarm clock doesnt go off

Not that it usualy has to. I'm one of those weird people that after, say six weeks of waking up at the same time, will wake up thirty minutes to an hour before i need to, then doze off and wake up every ten minutes until i need to get up. So this morning i'm awake at 5:50 dose off, wake up , its 6. dose off, wake up its 7:10. Was realy pissed. Means i have to work out after chapel. Ah well, i'll get a good work out under my belt before my fall break trip, and if i'm in the gloomies for not getting a part ( stranger things have happened) i'll have an opiate for my soul. Wonder who works out after chapel? curious. Guessing security, the guys at the front desk, and this chick ( know her name from her id that she left face up in these cubby things we have in the gym, but none of you would know her) were all flipping out ( either that or they figured my fall break started early.) I've been there at 6:45-50 for the past six weeks. Well got some stuff to do.

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