Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Policy on Anonymous Posts

Ok, so this is just a heads up, and may turn up to be just a product of my now very caffienated mind. Have a nick. Thats all i ask. I just want to be defrentiate betwixt the lot of you. You can be so very vague that i'll never in a thousand years figure out who you are ( however i warn you, i have a good rembrance for typed detail, and may or not be laying a trap for the two of you to see just whose you are). If you refuse, i'll find some sort of editorial means to disalow anonymous posts. I dont like pulling rank, but as god of The Duck Cave, it is within my means, rights, powers, to demand what i wish, and this is what i wish. For the record my curent ideas as to whom y'all are, are these: Nice poster: Mrs. Medlock, Ben, or the guru ( there's always a chance of it being someone i dont know, but dont think so). angery poster: PR, or someone i dont know at all. If i'm wrong please fell free to corect me ( no i will not be disapointed if you are on the wrong list, becuase i have my suspicoins of that as well). well hopefully you are feeling that my uber mind powers creep you out. The Muse.


Anonymous said...

And, um, you don't know me. Sorry! :)

Brent said...

thats cool just so long as you have a nick i can defrentiate you from the others