Sunday, October 29, 2006


Ok so i was taking a look at my schedule the past week. Thursday i went to Refuge with her, Friday we went to sweeny todd, Saturday we had the thing at my former directors house, and this afternoon, because both our rides would be staying afterwards we went to church together at the college church. Its almost as if a higher power is pushing the two of us together. Problem is which higher power? Thats go me scarred in a mildly academic sort of way. This relationship could mean the difference between me going elsewhere or staying. Hmmm...need to pray.


Brandon said...

pray to who... I've got you know who on speed dial.

Anonymous said...

Higher power, or lower power??? *wink*

Anonymous said...

At the risk of giving away my gender, I must give into this incredible urge:

"Awwwwww, that's so sweet!"

Sorry, I slipped - but I had to say it. Take it slow and enjoy the time.

Brent said...

I will thank you ( you might have given yourself away with the snow comment, i know very few men that say i wish you lots of snow)