Thursday, September 28, 2006

I Brent, am out-generaled

Ok, so i have this theory. The theory a certain person was reading my blog. In order to acertan my hunch was correct ( it seemed mildy confirmed) i decided to put it to a test. Hence i put forth the idea that i would be thirty minutes late to the gym, a the while planning to be there at the normal time. I arrive as planned. Nothing, alright i am dead wrong, ok. Then about 7:15 in walks said person. Allright so this totaly blows my theory. Either a. person does read said blog ( which is possible, the person works out, so far as i've been able to figure mondays and thursday mornings, though, i've only notticed this pattern as in refrence to what occured last week), or this person willing on the persons own accord arrived five minutes before i was suposed to. Not to mention saying helo ( its been, to record something like two weeks since that has happened). I'm at a loss. Ok, so i was feeling mildy foolish and kinda bad about the whole thing, but i figured i probably wouldnt have a chance to ever make it up so whatever. Not sure what to do. All my grand theries just went up in smoke. Crap, going to have to rethink the whole thing ( no snickers from the peanut gallery please). It seemed like...well maybe...ok so i'm confused, think i'll something else now.


Anonymous said...

I didn't understand a word of that. Not a single word.

Brent said...

You and me both