Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Shocker

The shocker as you may know ( if you dont lets just say its a crude hand gesture that is six or sevan times worse than the finger) is the hand gesture of choice for my generation. It in all its glory, curently resides on a poster that one of my roomates put up. This leads me to a funny story. When he was putting it up he consulted my other roomate as to what he thought of the poster. The other roomate replied that its was a sweet poster. Last night i was talking to said roomate about dorm check. He said we failed becuase of dirty floors and messy floors. I asked him if they had a problem with the poster, he replies that that is the worst poster he has ever seen. I laughed. This is the roommate who proudly owns a copy of Euro-trip, certaintly (while i have never seen it, i have several good friends who recomended it) not the most respectfull movie when it comes to girls ( especialy the topless ones). I thought it very funny that said roommate would have trouble with the poster yet willingly endorse such a movie ( by the way i think he's pissed at me right now). Were is my stance? First its a guys dorm. The poster obviously fulfils some sort of desire on my roommates part to feel hip and rebellious. If there were girls present the poster would come down. As there are not it doesnt bug me all that much , though i must say as a gentleman it is a bit troubling. It may come down latter to day ( after i covertly explain to the dorm check guy why he will require us to take it down). But we'll see. It definatly wont be on the wall come open house. well must read cartoons.


Anonymous said...

The shocker... and you're at a "christian" college? What the heck?

Brent said...

yes i'm at a christian collige, as i said i have a feeling its more of a "i'm hip becuase i have this poster" than it is becuase he's endorseing the gesture, personaly anyone who needs a poster to tell the world their hip needs help, but thats sort of the kind of guy he is