Wednesday, September 06, 2006

ok, question for the ladies

Ok, being an observant chap i have notticed a lot of the femine ( p.r i didnt say female) set carring both a giant purse, and a back pack. First of all, what the heck do you need a xtra large purse for? i mean your obvioulsy carring your laptop in your back pack, so whats with the purse that could fit a geo metro in it, and then some? Ok off large purses, second what is there in your purse that you could not possibley put in your back pack? I mean, do you realy require so much stuff that you must carry your ginormous purse and your back pack? Come now ladies, i relise the purse is the fashion statement, but sorry to rain on you sunny day, no guy is going to be like wo... that is one hot purse. We're not, and i mean that in the nicest way. well i'll go finish that football article i'm strugling through ( i'm interested realy i am) then tell y'all which game i will be watching.


Anonymous said...

Personally I like both because that way I can organize my stuff... you know school/work stuff in one bag, person effects in the other.

Brent said...

Ok so i admit i'm not a girl and therefore do not have to carry around the stuff that makes you guys both pretty and livable with, but realy you carry a one of those realy big purses? Another question, why not put the purse ( this of course would require it to be smaller) in the back pack?