Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Money in my pocket and a jump in my step

Ok so , i after much trials and tribulations i have discovered a way to acess my hard earned cash. Now i have money, not great heaping lumps ( it has to last all semester and maybe longer if i dont get so bored that i seek gainfull employment) but money. I can now do things. Buy things. this makes for a happy me ( that and the teller was cute) first on the list is sandles ( not true, its deodorent but you dont care do you?). Mine are cheap and they squeak. Needs some sweat sandles. After that...well nothing else. Might try a new deodorent. Why do you care? Well i dont were cologne, i think those that does that do are...well, um...not as manly as the rest of us, actualy i just never had, so maybe i'll look into it. However i have this theory, i picked it up from a mini mystery book i read way back, that a chap doesnt exactly have to have the worlds greatest smell ( it should smell good) but it should be consistant. Its hard for a girl to smell something and say , hmm that reminds me of brent if i'm changing my smell every two seconds. I'm not sure that it realy matters, but i need all the help i can get. Well i have some napping in the sun, umm... i mean studying out of doors to do.

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