Thursday, September 14, 2006


I'm not sure if any of you have been following the whole montreal shooting thing ( i just started like two seconds ago). But its kinda freaky. What gets me is this guy lived at home. His parents were either oblivious or just ignored it. I mean i'm guessing there's a slew of wacko's with pictures of guns on there websight so you cant realy blame the authoritys, well you can sort off. Two other shootings had conections with his stupid blog hosters ( i say the name, but they arent getting any free advertisement from this blogger). So maybe you think they'd moniter them. Ah abrigment of our freedom! How? personaly , i think those types of people need their freedom abriged. Granted, then comes the question who decides their a threat? I dont know. But someone should be abriging their freedom.

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