Friday, September 15, 2006

Thoughts on the Weekend

Ok first, luckily this weekend i have stuff to do. Not exciting stuff but stuff non-the less. Lots of spanish, lots of memorization, lots of reading. OH! i got the secret garden from out libary. Figured if we're going to get interviewed i should have read the book, that and my charecter needs some explaining. Lots of it, Hopefully i'll find it in the book. Going to have the first scene memorized by this afternoon. Going to the track and am going to walk with the old script untill i have it down ( i heard somewere that people learn, or remeber stuff better when their in motion). This will keep me that lovely shade of brown that says i spend days outside when the reality is i just tan realy fast. Well have some stuff to do ( history). Brent out.

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