Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Lonlygirl15:tell me, who cares?

Ok get your self set for a rant. I was perusing national news, trying to find something that interested me. Obvioulsy i didnt, but i did find something to rant about, which is the next best thing. Lonlygirl15, which for the uninitiated serries of short video blogs about some sixteen yr old chick, and her oh so interesting problems. I have never seen them, but reading about them makes me want to barf. First, it was created by three guys in there late twenties, who claim they never intended to to deseive any one. Gee, if you didnt want to get people to beleave that they were real, is it realy all that hard to say, hey! its not real? Can you say online predators? I can. Ok second, who cares about the twisted emotional life of a 16 yr old? who? stand and be reconized. I mean i remember when i was sixteen ( granted i'm not a girl) and realy my emotional problems were about as interesting as the social section of the Poultney newspaper ( a small podunk town) . Ok i'm bored, am going elsewere.

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