Saturday, September 09, 2006

Peanut Butter Bagels: what was realy on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

Peanut Butter Bagel...the food of choice for Brent. Very tasty. Adicting, granted they must be eaten with a large glass of milk cause the peanut butter sticks to your teeth, and poweraid or orange juice is definatly not the salution. Think my adiction stems way back to Dennis the Menis's Guide to Babysitters, and the coment that peanut butter sticks to the ribs. Am i a sugestable person? Well maybe. Well onto plans for today. Going to check and see if the sis has anything to do. May steal her frisbee and get a game going on the green if all else fails. Well going to go see if denis the menis is on the web ( maybe garfield to) flip over to cartoon network see whats going down then hit sis's. My action packed weekend...

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