Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I Brent, hopped up on caffeine

I didnt mean to. I realy didnt. But well it just sort of happened. I saw someone one drinking soda across the auditorium, out of a beutiful green and yellow can. I couldnt resist, it had been so long. I was lucky i nabbed the last can of dew and it was gone in minutes, forgott how much i love the stuff. Lucky for me though i just had a peanut butter shake so i'll crash a whole lot sooner because of the suger. Not that i matters, i can put myself to sleep if need be. If square breathing doesnt work i can do this thing were i just stop thinking and go to sleep. Its a lot like imagining you were sinking into inky black pools of sleep, no doubt something akin to hypmatizing yourself but not quite.Well have a little bit of homework to do.

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