Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Water Balloons part 2: sad little me

Ok, so when you say waterballoons i'm thinking lots of water balloons, everbody has waterballoons, those that dont have water balloons have pitchers and coolers and we all rush at each other throwing and dumping and generally getting as wet as possible. Not so. There is a line your not suposed to cross. We have maybe six or seven dodge balls flying intermitently, by the worst thrower types i have ever seen ( except for whomsoever took brent down, have reason to beleave its the same person, will talk about it latter). It was lame. If my sister and co hadnt brought their ginormous water balloons and i hadnt been able to steel them and then pop them over them it would have been as boring as heck. Ok now for the breaking down of the scene of the crime. Ok, fact one. Both shots took me by complete surprise. I didnt see were either came from, its like they dropped out of the sky. 2. they were at about the same speed, hard. 3. The both hit me in the ear. Without that i would say that it was just a strange similarity. Maybe it is. Well i have to wake up freakin' early ( than normal, what sucks it that tomorrow is one of my late days, but i have some reading, extra curicular, to do, if i ever get brave enough i'll tell you all about it)

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